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Posted on Nov 20, 2023

Below is a long blog post about 2016 and some of the changes that are happening on the blog. There will be no new content until Monday, Jan. 4th when I return from vacation in Mexico with my wife, son, daughter-in-law, grandson (born Dec. 3rd) & her two children – a boy age five and girl age three! The past year has been one of transition for me as well as many people all over the world who have had to adjust their lives because of Trump’s election victory here in America. While we were away on our cruise to Australia, Indonesia and Singapore just before Christmas this year there was a lot going on back home in terms of the protests against Donald Trump taking office and his cabinet picks: Ben Carson being selected by Trump to head up Housing and Urban Development; Tom Price being picked to run Health and Human Services; Betsy DeVos chosen for Education Secretary among others but it seems like these appointments are not sitting too well with most Americans including those who voted him into office. It looks like Congress could easily reject them if they don’t get confirmed quickly which would mean President Elect Trump needs more votes than he currently has at present time (58 out 100 Senators). All eyes now turn towards Inauguration Day where we see what kind of tone things take place after January 20th since so far nothing really big happened yet apart from talk show hosts such Jim Acosta saying “this isn’t normal” or Chuck Todd asking why someone else hasn’t taken charge instead… It feels strange writing without having anything new to say right now besides giving you an update on how everything went during December last month while everyone got together again around Christmas dinner table full enough thanksgiving turkey side dishes cooked perfectly every single day even though sometimes felt pretty busy especially work wise due school semester starting soon plus few projects still left unfinished before leaving town again next week heading South once again following another road trip across Northwest US visiting family friends alike before coming back home hopefully early spring break starts soon allowing us finally relax enjoy ourselves fully during nice warm weather sunny days ahead months later summer holidays begin shortly afterwards leading straight forward autumn season starts kicking off Fall Foliage Tourist Season 2017 beginning late September early October same thing happen annually each years ever since memory began recalling earliest childhood memories growing older younger still learning new things along way making mistakes occasionally trying hardest possible succeed somehow reaching goals set forth achieving dreams never knew existed until discoveries made finding unexpected gems hidden deep inside heart minds souls bodies spirits traveling through life journey discovering unknown adventures along pathways seeking answers questions curiosity knowledge wisdom truth reality illusion perception understanding insight revelations awakenings enlightenment experiences transcendence transformation growth development ascension descending Below is a long blog post about 2015 and what it means for this year. It is also the first in-depth look at our plans, as we continue to grow into our new home, move deeper into local community engagement, and take on more projects that impact change in our city of Milwaukee! The Buzz: 2014 was an incredible success with over $376,000 raised from donations and sponsorships and nearly $90,000 worth of work done through volunteer service hours. This allowed us to hire one full time staff member (our awesome Marketing & Outreach Coordinator) as well as two part-time employees to help build up our operations team. We started the year off by launching The Common Good’s first ever fundraising campaign – The Rise Campaign - which focused specifically on creating awareness around the role nonprofits play within communities and how they are often underfunded and underserved despite the tremendous value they bring back to their residents. Our goal was to raise funds so we could sustainably increase our ability to serve our existing partners while also growing our capacity to reach out to more organizations each month who were working hard but needed some extra support. After six months of hard work (and many generously contributed stories), we surpassed our initial goal raising over $82k in the end…and still have several other pledges coming in throughout January that will push those numbers even higher! Now that we had secured enough dollars to keep The Commons running smoothly until next summer when we would be moving offices, I spent much of my free time planning for the next phase of growth: finding space large enough to accommodate all of the current programming happening both inside and outside of our walls AND building relationships with businesses owners in the area where we currently operate to make sure everyone knew we weren’t going anywhere anytime soon…all without breaking ground or spending too much money doing either. In order to save costs during construction season we decided instead focus most efforts towards organizing events like movie nights at local parks (which turned out amazingly successful thanks mostly due its low cost structure); hosting small group gatherings such as potluck dinners; providing transportation services via bike share programs available locally here in Milwaukee County..etcetera." These kinds activities helped connect people together while increasing visibility among locals living near our headquarters location at 1st& Water St., just northwest corner downtown Milwaukee Wisconsin USA . By taking these measures early during 2014 ,we made huge strides toward expanding not only physical presence along Lake Michigan shoreside areas including Miller Park Baseball Stadium (home field since 1995 )but mental ones too ! With hundreds upon thousands attending various festivities hosted there annually now having access Below is a long blog post about 2018 in review, and the plan for this year. I hope you’ll take time to read it all! Happy New Year! This last week has been a blur of getting back into routine after two weeks off from work (and school). It’s nice to be home again though - we had a wonderful holiday season with my family and friends. Now that everyone is back at their normal routines, I wanted to write out what happened during December as well as share some goals/plans for January through March here on the blog :) December was busy but fun! We traveled between Chicago & San Francisco multiple times over the course of one month which means lots of airports and hotels…but also lots of food! And traveling can always make me feel excited for the next trip or vacation so when I get home I have extra energy. After Thanksgiving, November felt like such an extended summer because temperatures were still warm enough for short sleeves, bikinis + sandals. I remember walking around downtown Chicago late October thinking “I never want winter”. However, I did enjoy seeing Christmas lights twinkle across the city skyline while bundling up under coats and scarfs. That’s probably why I enjoyed December more than usual: not only could I wear sweaters without feeling cold, but there are fewer tourists AND deals everywhere!! For example, Nordstrom Rack had its Anniversary Sale right before Christmas so everything was discounted by 50%-60%. Since then they’re having another sale until Feb 3rd where most items will be $49-$79. The best part? You don’t need any specific code since prices are already reduced; simply shop online using your credit card ;) In addition to shopping sales events throughout fall/winter months, check out these tips from ShopStyle Blog below if looking forward spring styles: * Styles tend toward lightweight fabrics including silk crepe de chine shirts paired w jean skirt–ideal layer piece come April showers! * Bright colors reign supreme e.g., pastel blue sundresses mixed w bright accessories = perfect look every day! * Accessorizing becomes easy when mixing metallics such gold bracelets alongside rose gold clutches – both go great together yet offer subtly different tones creating variety even amongst similar pieces Below is a long blog post about 4G, smartphones and the latest developments in this area. First let’s start with the technology itself. There are two main forms of mobile communication: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) which works on an analogue signal and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), which uses digital signals to communicate between cellular phones, base stations or fixed wireless terminals such as satellite dishes. These systems were first used by radio telephone services that became known as mobile phone networks. Both technologies If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml allow users to call each other from virtually anywhere around the globe. However, they differ greatly when it comes down to their data rates - especially with regard to bandwidth required per user session; thus making them suitable only up until now for voice calls rather than anything else requiring larger amounts of data transfer rate like video chats etc.. With more advanced applications coming into play though we need higher speed networks capable supporting multiple simultaneous connections so having these lower speeds isn’t enough anymore! That means that currently available solutions fall short because even if there was no interference whatsoever still wouldn’t cut through properly due largely due lacking power output compared modern standards set forth recently published specifications regarding fourth generation (or “4G”) standardized protocols developed specifically address those issues head-on whilst providing significant boosts over previous generations while offering similar levels performance/cost ratio too boot!. This also explains why many consumers feel frustrated at times since most models advertised come equipped solely standard 2g &3 g bands only leaving them unable enjoy full range experiences offered today given limited coverage areas served typically found densely populated urban centres alone where wi fi hotspots become essential requirement anyway…. Second point worth noting here deals directly impact potential adoption rates among general population once new network becomes widely accessible across entire country regardless geographic location taken into consideration; however despite obvious benefits associated switching away traditional landline based methods towards fully fledged portable units instead one should keep mind following considerations before taking final decision making process concerning actual purchase choice(s). First off price tag usually remains major factor determining whether particular device will fit within tight budget constraints imposed certain individuals looking save money wherever possible during course time investment cycle yet despite being relatively affordable overall costs involved remain high compare other types purchases made regularly throughout year resulting some feeling forced spend additional cash simply acquire necessary equipment meet daily needs without compromising quality desired result . Second thing take notice whenever choosing any product would be ability handle variety tasks asked us perform every day life including entertainment options provided various apps installed default software bundles included majority manufacturers attempt provide enhanced experience regardless individual interests preferences ultimately ensuring maximum satisfaction achieved end goal reached timeline projected originally set out begin journey discovery right path ahead awaiting arrival next level upgrade ready embrace exciting future filled limitless possibilities beyond imagination… Below is a long blog post about 529 plans and what to look for. The information was provided by the Morningstar Advisor Workstation, which provides investment advice on college savings products. The tax-advantaged 529 plan is one of the most useful tools in an advisor’s arsenal when it comes to helping clients save money for future educational expenses. It can also be used as part of a more comprehensive financial planning strategy or simply to help families achieve their goals without incurring penalties from Uncle Sam or state governments. But how do you know if your client’s current provider offers the best value? This article will answer that question—and explain why some providers may not provide adequate support through product research (such as with mutual funds) or asset allocation modeling techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations; we call these “features.” In addition, we discuss strategic considerations before choosing any particular plan so that advisors are able to make informed decisions based upon real data rather than market hype surrounding certain programs at specific institutions across America today! Read More